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  • Does Cosmetic Tattooing hurt?
    None of the treatments offered hurt however, if your pain threshold is a little lower than average please let me know ahead of time so that I can make any necessary arrangements for you. For the most past, my clients tend to drift off during their procedures! Please however, keep in mind if you are receiving a tattoo treatment it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT that you supply your own anaesthetics and that they must be applied 40 minutes prior to your arrival time. You can purchase these recommended products, “Elma” or “Numb” from your local pharmacy.
  • Can I Wear Makeup to my Appointment?
    I prefer that you avoid makeup on any areas being treated however, if you're coming straight from work please let me know so that I can allow extra time for makeup removal.
  • How Do You Pick the Correct Colour?
    Colour matching is done on the day and is completely tailored for each client. There are over 50 colours to choose from; from platinum blonde to dark brown.
  • How Long Does Cosmetic Tattooing Take to Heal?
    Healing for cosmetic tattooing services takes between 4 to 10 days and then 6 weeks for the true colour and shape to surface.
  • How long does Cosmetic Tattooing last?
    Cosmetic tattooing is a semi permanent tattoo which means it is NOT “forever”. It can vary due to genetics, diet, metablosim, lifestyle, products, UV exposure and medications etc. Depending on your skincare regime, lifestyle and physical activity, results can last from 6 months to 2 years and for some even up to 5 years depending on which area is being tattooed.
  • What is the Aftercare Procedure for Cosmetic Tattooing?
    I will provide you with all the aftercare information along with the necessary creams after you appointment. Strict instructions need to be carried out as soon as the session is complete this includes, no physical exercise for 5 days and the area must be kept completely dry. Aftercare packs are now $15 - aftercare is crucial after any cosmetic tattoo procedure.
  • What Happens if my Brows Don't Take After 2 Sessions?
    You will need to book in for a third sessions which is $150.
  • Can the Results Change for Different Skin Types?
    Yes, this is why microblading is not recommended for clients with oily skin as it may heal blurred. If you are prone to oily skin, you'd be better suited to powder brows.
  • How Will I Look After my Cosmetic Tattoo Visit?
    The colour will appear approximately 30-40% darker than the desired shade for the following 3-4 days after your procedure. It is recommended to postpone any special occasions around the week of your procedure. Brows usually require a two step procedure. Following the initial treatment, a second session is required within 4-6 weeks. Although it is extremely rare (less than 2%), a client may require a third session. This can be due to the clients individual skin type (as some skin types are more resistant to the implantation of the pigment), lack of appropriate skin care or the rare white blood cell count in some cases.
  • Is Cosmetic Tattooing for Everyone?
    For the most part, YES! However if you've had any medication within 3 months, chemotherapy or undergone antibiotics then please advise me prior to booking.
  • Can You Have Cosmetic Tattoo Done When You're Pregnant?
    Definitely not. You cannot do this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Any risk of infection can lead to Hep A/B. Also pregnancy can cause your face to swell leading to our pre-draw being incorrect. Being pregnant also makes your immune system extra strong making your body reject any pigment placed into the skin.
  • What if I Have Allergies?
    I always offer consultations and also we can do a patch test behind the ear to ease your mind of any possible allergies or side effects.
  • If I Have Had Previous Tattooing by Another Artist, Can I Come to You?
    Of course! Although you will need to book in for a face-to-face consultation with me prior so I can do an examination and then advise a price.
  • Ombre vs. Feathering?
    I often get asked for "natural brows" during our consultations with a client. All the work performed at the clinic is intended to achieve a natural look and not something that looks drawn on with a sharpie! I will delve into your skins history and ask questions about your lifestyle to ultimately determine which procedure suits you best. I want to offer you value for money and longevity for your new brows.
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